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Frank Lema's header design for City Tech Writer 2023, abstract portrayal of a Black woman's head whose hair, featuring a single flower, doubles as the leaves of a tree whose trunk extends down into branches. Under the tree, nestled against the woman's neck, a smaller figure sits reading a book.
Tags: Art and architectural criticism
Frank Lema's header design for City Tech Writer 2023, in tricolor triplicate, layered on top of one another. Abstract portrayal of a Black woman's head whose hair, featuring a single flower, doubles as the leaves of a tree whose trunk extends down into branches. Under the tree, nestled against the woman's neck, a smaller figure sits reading a book.
Preface to Vol. 18
Professor Lucas Kwong
A brightly lit pixelated dinosaur on a smartphone sits against a dark, rough surface.
Tags: Personal narratives
A sea green spiraling fractal pattern against a golden background.
Fractals: The Shape Of Order And Chaos
Julia Burnside
Katie Salas
Tags: Science and Biology Mathematics
A house and an illuminated Pepsi Cola sign hang in the sky, above criss crossing highways.
Diptych: Explorations In Space
Andrew Hernandez
Angela Alvarez
Tags: Personal narratives Art and architectural criticism
Hands raised in prayer at bottom of frame. Against a threatening sky, two large hands extend a thumbs down from above.
Tags: Personal narratives Philosophy
Silhouette of a back of a Black woman's head in white linen, staring at a glass ball with a glowing crescent moon inside, suspended from the ceiling. Background is an abstract field of lights against darkness.
Celia The Slave
Matilde Garcia
Tags: Stage Writing History
A hand with a chain around its wrist reaches out to a faded picture of an Art Deco era stone building, with palm trees and antique streetlamps.
The Chains Of Freedom
Jackie Lespiegle
Tags: Personal narratives
An old TV sits against a concrete wall, featuring an image of Meg Ryan's face on a cartoon princess, in front of a fairy tale castle.
Tags: Art and architectural criticism Sociological Inquiry
A hand throws a cigarette box labeled "Smoking Kills" into a trash can.
Tags: Reflections On Healthcare Science and Biology
Closeup of a woman behind bars, gazing down sadly.
Leslie Alcantara
Tags: Personal narratives Fiction In Translation
Multicolored sketch of mannequins wearing tank top and pants against an abstract background of geometric patterns.
Trend Forecast 2024-2025: The Future Of Women's Pants
Shana Cromwell-Ramnarain
Sunny Lee
Brenda Allison Martinez
Tags: Sociological Inquiry Fashion
Closeup of heels of an intruder walking up a staircase, wearing bright orange shoes.
Footsteps In The Dark
Carl Cabrall
Tags: Short Films
A blackboard and a podium in an empty classroom; in the middle of the blackboard is a cracked window that opens onto a view of Prague on a sunny day.
Fix It!
Jaroslav Eliah Sýkora
Tags: Personal narratives Fiction
A large, craggy, sunlit mountain, with a thin mist on the top, against a clear sky.
Embracing The Crisis
Sangay Dolma
Tags: Personal narratives
A tattered, bloody black flag waves in the daylight.
Black Flag
C. Moon
Tags: poetry
Flanked by two white hands on mouses, a Black hand clicks on a mouse, against an abstract background showing a digital network.
Tags: Personal narratives Career Development
Closeup of hand holding a smartphone with a picture of a dog; in the background is a blurred picture of MOMA PS1, as if in motion.
Dog Walking
Ihn Lee
Tags: poetry
Back of a homeless man gazing into brightly lit department store windows, which display 2 cases of giant pills, the left of which is golden.
Tags: Personal narratives Reflections On Healthcare Sociological Inquiry
Hand drawn silhouette of a man from behind, with a floating birdlike ghost next to him, sketched on textured old paper.
Waiting For You
John Gregorios
Tags: Short Films
A necklace, a black rose, and antique sunglasses sit on a purplish wooden table surface.
The One Who Once Lived
Keila Aguilar
Tags: Personal narratives
Closeup of a swimmer, face out of frame, swimming towards the camera deep underwater. Behind him, several scuba divers float in the water.
Tags: Personal narratives Art and architectural criticism Career Development
A Buddhist temple in the midst of a forest on the side of a mountain.
Tags: poetry
A voting box with "I Voted" pins lying next to it against an abstract background of zooming lights.
Tags: Sociological Inquiry Science and Biology Mathematics
A heating planet, on the verge of melting, draped in a tattered robe and suspended in space.
Tags: Sociological Inquiry Science and Biology History Fashion
Adventures In Photography 2023
Cassidy Crespo
Damani Douglas
Noah H
Nastassia Molicheva
Tags: Photography
Color pencil sketch of a Black woman and man walking towards a Black man in a suit, sitting on a bench, with a town square in the background.
Emmett Till: No Good Ending
Demetrius Brown-Williams
Tedo Zhvania
Francheska Cabrera
Tags: Fiction Stage Writing History
A rose blooming in a bed of shattered glass.
Natural Remedies
Carlos J. Peña
Tags: poetry
Frank Lema's header design for City Tech Writer 2023, abstract portrayal of a Black woman's head whose hair, featuring a single flower, doubles as the leaves of a tree whose trunk extends down into branches. Under the tree, nestled against the woman's neck, a smaller figure sits reading a book.
Postscript: Links And Last Lines
Professor Lucas Kwong